Hi First Church Family,

First, I want to say thank you for joining me in this year’s Stewardship campaign. It is not easy to get in front of a group of people and talk about giving, but I could not have asked for a better group to talk with. Let’s recap our month. In the first week, we talked about preparing our ground, evaluating our priorities, and getting our financial houses in order. I asked you to think about the programs and services that First Church offers that matter to you. The next week I asked you to reflect on how you can use your God-given gifts and abilities to serve God and others. This last week I spoke to you about propagating faith and rooting in. Individually and as a church family, we have weathered many storms. Our strength to survive and grow has not come from within us, but from our reliance on God and in caring for one another. The persistent health of our church and ability to heartily serve others requires an ongoing commitment of gifts, prayers, presence, and witness from our congregants. Together, we can continue to be a beacon of God’s love to our community and to the world. I will close by saying this, I am so thankful for you, and I look forward to continuing to serve with you into 2025.

With gratitude,




Mandi Houston



    2025 The Roots of Giving Pledge Form

    * indicates required field
    Please take time to read the above letter from Mandi Houston before filling out the Pledge Form.

    Number, Street Name, City, State, Zip

    The following section is for your 2025 The Roots of Giving Pledge to First Church Port Orange:

    If you chose per week, for how many weeks? If you chose other, explain below:

    My preferred method of financial contribution is:

    I would like to talk to someone about a Legacy Gift:

    I would like to serve as a volunteer in