Weekly News

The News usually changes on Wednesday.

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News for the week of 3/25/25

First Church News

NEW MEMBER SUNDAY: We are so excited to welcome those who wish to join our church family today at either service.  If you’d like to join, talk to Pastor Tom before the services today.

EASTER CANTATA EVENT: Come and experience the powerful invitation to the love and sacrifice of Christ through expressive singing provided by the combined choirs of First Church and Coronado United Methodist. “Song of the Shadows” reminds us that where there are shadows, there is also light. Performance is tonight, March 23 at 7:00 PM. A love offering of $10 is requested.

FISH FRY DINNER IS FRIDAY!: Join us this Friday, March 28th in the Fellowship Hall anytime from 5p-8:30p.  Make a reservation online here for seatings at 6:30p or at 7:15p. (5p and 5:45p are full) Open Seating from 5-9p. Invite your friends/family.

WE’RE PUTTING A FIRST CHURCH ORCHESTRA TOGETHER: In an effort to invite First Church musicians to use their gifts this Easter, and to promote an intergenerational service event, we’re looking for youth and adults who play an orchestra instrument to sign up to perform 2 pieces at our Sunrise Service on Easter Morning here at First Church. The music is Grade 2, so all can play.  Click Here to Sign Up or visit the website. Student service hours are available.

THRIFT NEWS: The Thrift Boutique is looking for someone with a heart for Jesus and retail experience to become Assistant Manager. Candidates must be able to lift, carry and move heavy furniture, drive a delivery truck and carry out other store duties as assigned by the manager. Interested candidates can check out the job description for Thrift Boutique on Indeed. Help us fill this important position, please!

MEN’S BREAKFAST APRIL 5th: The men of First Church PO would like to extend an invitation to all men to attend the Men’s breakfast on April 5th at 9:00am in the Hanstine Hall. It will be a time of rich fellowship and the opportunity for guys to meet and get to know each other. Please invite a friend or a family member to join us.

UMCOR SUNDAY ON MAR 30th: This Special Sunday offers us a chance to connect with ministries that make a global impact through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Our support ensures the operational foundation that powers UMCOR’s life-changing work. On March 30, can you celebrate by giving above and beyond to this cause?

DINNER CHURCH IS BACK IN APRIL: Attention: This is not an April Fool’s Joke!! Some bunny is truly inviting you to an “eggstraspecial” EVENT! Please join us at Guiseppes Restaurant on April 1st, at 6p, for an evening of fun, food, and fellowship! Bring your family and friends with you, for a special time together! Hope to see you there!

BEGINNER PAINTING CLASS: Patty Hill is a local artist and is hosting a Beginner’s Painting Class for 25 people at $35 per person on April 15th in the Hanstine Fellowship Hall. We’re painting a flamingo. No prior experience necessary. Tools, paint, canvass’, etc. are provided. You should wear something you don’t mind getting paint on. Come with cash or check that night. Proceeds go towards StuMin Auction Fundraising. Register Here or in Incoming Tide.

IT’S TIME FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: We expect about 200 “travelers” again this year, so many volunteers are still needed. Please contact Suzi at [email protected] to talk about where you can serve!

WARREN WILLIS SUMMER CAMP 2025: June 23-28, 2025