Tom Nelson
Tom NelsonSenior Pastor

Welcome to First Church of Port Orange! Thank you for considering making this your church home. We have exciting worship services and ministry opportunities for all ages. Our small groups offer the opportunity to connect with other Christ-followers in a loving community focused on service to others. Join us as we share life together!

We hope to see you soon!

Tom Nelson
Senior Pastor, First Church Port Orange
click here to email

Tony Sorrell
Tony SorrellYouth Minister & Communications
Suzi Rodriguez
Suzi RodriguezChildren's and Family Minister
Janet Kelley
Janet KelleyChurch Administrator
Miguel Rodriguez
Miguel RodriguezContemporary Worship Leader
Kimberly Scaccia
Kimberly ScacciaChancel Choir Director
Ryan McDowell
Ryan McDowellThrift Boutique Manager
Melissa Cargile
Melissa CargilePianist

Lay Leadership

First Church is not only comprised of a Staff who sees to the ministries and facilities on a daily basis, we also have a tremendous team of servant leader volunteers who carry on the role as  leader over church committees and facility maintenance.  These generous servants lead other teams to ensure the church’s ministries can thrive and help fulfill the needs of our each other and our guests.  Below is a list of those leaders and a little about them.

Hal Maskiel
Hal MaskielLay Leader

Hal Maskiel – First Church Lay Leader

1.) What is your leadership role, in a nutshell? 
As the Lay Leader, my job is to be a primary liaison between the pastor and the congregation.  I’m supposed to attend meetings of Family Staff Servants and Facilities &  Finance to stay aware of the condition and relationships within the church and to work with the pastor to help keep the church fulfill its mission.  Still figuring out the rest!

2.) How has God prepared you for your service in this role?
God has given me the gift of hospitality,  a love of First Church and the ability to work and listen to diverse constituencies – to “keep the main thing the main thing”.  And He keeps reminding me that He will help me figure it out.

3.) How do you like to spend your time when not volunteering in your lay leadership role? 
I am a full time flight instructor at Epic Flight Academy training new flight instructors.

4.) What is one interesting thing people might not know about you? 
As a Naval Aviator, I flew a little airliner that landed on a boat; I have 92 carrier arrested landings. Also, while serving in Naples, Italy, I helped my first wife start a Lamaze Childbirth program at the Naval Hospital in Naples – and teach the first class.

Pamela Ridilla
Pamela RidillaLeader, Family Staff Team
1.) What is your leadership role, in a nutshell?
I currently lead the Family & Staff Servant Team.
2.) How has God prepared you for your service in this role?
This is my third year on the Family & Staff Servant Team. Additionally, I recently retired from Daytona State College, where I spent over 23 years as the Chair of the Dental Sciences Department.
3.) How do you like to spend your time when not volunteering in your lay leadership role?
I enjoy giving back through community volunteer work. For over a decade, I’ve been involved with Special Olympics Special Smiles. Since retiring in December, I’ve joined the Lions Club, focusing on diabetes and vision screenings. I also love spending time with family and friends, reading, watching movies, and planning vacations and travel adventures.
4.) What is one interesting thing people might not know about you?
One interesting fact people might not know about me is that I contributed a chapter to a nationally recognized dental hygiene textbook, affectionately known as “The Dental Hygiene Bible.” This textbook is widely used in dental hygiene programs across the United States and Canada.

David Doster
David DosterLeader, Facility and Finance Team
1.) What is your leadership role, in a nutshell?
-As Facilities and Finance Chair, I get to touch most things related to finance and facilities in and around the church campus. It is a real learning experience (roofs, toilets, and all construction and maintenance concerns).
2.) How has God prepared you for your service in this role?
– I feel that everything I’ve done up to this point in my life (with help from God) has prepared me for this task. Plus, it sure helps to have a knowledgeable and energetic Pastor and Church Administrator to keep me headed in the right direction.
3.) How long have you lived in the area?
– My family has lived in the area for 32 years, but I’ve been coming to the Daytona Beach area for the past fifty years or so.
4.) What is your career, or what are you retired from?
– I retired in 2013 from teaching, prior to that I tried real estate for a while, but my first real job as an adult was serving as an officer in the Marine Corps.
Dalia Travis
Dalia TravisFirst Church Treasurer
1.) What is your leadership role, in a nutshell?
-Oversee church financials and attend Facility and Finance monthly meetings for input.
2.) How has God prepared you for your service in this role?
-Upon retirement, I felt a calling to do more for the church. I like meeting and greeting people, so I started my church journey by volunteering as a greeter.
3.) How long have you lived in the area?
-I am a caregiver. I am responsible for the welfare of my sister who had a stroke in 2016. I do enjoy gardening and spending time with my cat, who is more like a dog than a cat.
4.) What is your career, or what are you retired from?
-One interesting thing about me that people may not know: In 1989, I received a certificate for honorary US Naval “Tailhooker”. meaning, I have experienced an arrested landing, tour with lunch aboard ship, and a catapulted take-off aboard the training aircraft carrier, USS Lexington. This opportunity was offered to the leaders of various state and city agencies in Key West as a “thank you” for the city’s kindness shown to the ship’s sailors during a weekend shore leave in Key West. One of the most exciting things I’ve ever experienced!
Hal Maskiell
Hal Maskiell Leader, Welcome Servants
1.) What does your team do, in a nutshell?
-The Welcome Servants Team makes people feel welcome and included as they enter our church.
2.) How has God prepared you for your service in this role?
-God has given me the gift of hospitality. Guess I just really like people.
3.) How long have you lived in the area?-9 years
4.) What is your career, or what are you retired from?
-I am a retired marketing guy; now I’m a flight instructor training new flight instructors.
Donna Knott
Donna Knott Leader, Word Servants Team
1.) What is your leadership role, in a nutshell?
-The Word leaders are responsible for providing Christian education materials. The Advent and Lenten devotionals are through Word Servants. There is a library with study materials, references, videos and lots more. The church also has available Amplify Media which gives you access to all Cokesbury materials.
2.)How has God prepared you for your service in this role?
-I helped in the other church I attended. Mostly, I accepted the position and make sure the job is done.
3.) How long have you lived in the area?
-For 32 years.
4.) What is your career, or what are you retired from?
– I started out as a secretary but ended up being an Administrative Assistant for many years. in law firms and at the Speedway.
Debbie Doster
Debbie DosterChair, Community Servants
1.) What is your leadership role, in a nutshell?
-I am the Community Servant Leader, as such I am charged with helping First Church reach out into the community by liaising with various agencies and organizations who have knowledge of families and individuals who are in need. Then, aligning those needs with the hands and hearts of First Church so that we may help meet those needs.
2.) How has God prepared you for your service in this role?
-As a retired teacher I have a soft spot for children. Especially children who don’t always have a voice of their own. God knew that and led me to First Church.
3.) How long have you lived in the area?
-My family has lived here since 1990.
4.) What is your career, or what are you retired from?
-I retired as a teacher here in the Volusia County. Prior to that I was a travel agent and was in the Navy.
OPENChair, Hospitality Servants
Jim McGregor
Jim McGregor First Church Lay Delegate
1.) What is your role, in a nutshell?
As Lay Delegate to Annual Conference, I attend monthly meetings of First Church Lay Leaders and the Facility & Finance teams. I also serve on the Board of Derbyshire Place, enjoy helping out on the sound board for Sunday services, doing odd jobs around campus and driving bus for the youth group.
2.) How long have you been a member of First Church Port Orange?
After singing in the choir and participating in Discipleship classes, I joined First Church in 1998.
3.) What is your career, or what are you retired from?
As a medical ultrasound tech, I moved from Michigan in 1980 and formed my own company, Mobile Ultrasound Specialists, serving hospitals, physicians offices and Coleman Federal Prison until my retirement in 2015.
4.) How do you like to spend your time when not volunteering in your lay leadership role?
I love to spend as much time as possible with my two granddaughters.
Brenda Bain
Brenda Bain Chair, Thrift Boutique Board
1.) What is your leadership role, in a nutshell?
As chair of the Thrift Boutique board, I ensure that we a) hold bi-monthly meetings to review the budget performance and make adjustments, as needed; b) monitor operational successes and issues; c) provide support, guidance, and encouragement to Ryan, the manager; prepare and pass the annual budget; Create an approved, job, descriptions, as needed; evaluate the manager’s performance.
2.) How has God prepared you for your service in this role?
Most of my business career has been spent in nonprofit management where I honed the skills to run a successful organization at the board level. In my various paid positions, I’m convinced God placed mentors in my path to teach me techniques and skills that aren’t necessarily taught in college. God gave me a helping heart to care about serving others who are less fortunate than I.
3.) How do you like to spend your time when not volunteering in your lay leadership role?
I enjoy volunteering in the senior community where I live, socializing with a wide range of friends, reading and serving as the fire marshal for the entire independent living tower.
4.) What is one interesting thing people might not know about you?
I am proudest of the fact that I was among the early pioneers that helped get the hospice concept launched and accepted as not only appropriate but the most desired form of care for end-of-life patients. I also led a national task to promote adequate reimbursement by private insurance companies for hospice care.
John and Julie Dougherty
John and Julie DoughertyCo-Chairs, Preschool Board
Christy Gillis
Christy GillisLiaison to Halifax Urban Ministry Board
1.) What is your leadership role, in a nutshell?
-I am in the Board of Halifax Urban Ministries. The mission of Halifax Urban Ministries is to instill hope in those who are homeless or at risk of being homeless by meeting needs and helping achieve self sufficiency. HUM is a non-profit that is a ministry of the United Methodist Church.
2.) How has God prepared you for your service in this role?
-I served on the Board of Derbyshire Place and have volunteered at Room at the Inn. Both of the programs are part of Halifax Urban Ministries. I have a serving heart and God shows is love to all through the work that HUM does. In a world often overshadowed by darkness we need to be a light by spreading love, kindness and positivity. The Bible encourages us to shine brightly and make a positive impact on those around us. Matthew 5:14-16. “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
3.) How do you like to spend your time when not volunteering in your lay leadership role?
-I love spending time with my husband (Les) and two children (Sydney & Alex). I enjoy NASCAR and College Football (Go Dawgs). I also volunteer as a StuMin Leader and with One Family ministries at First United Methodist Port Orange.
4.) What is one interesting thing people might not know about you?
-I put up 8 full size Christmas Trees in my house every year and they start going up 11/1.

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